
Psalms 118:24
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

With this verse the Psalmist likely had in mind a special day, crafted by God's own hands, meant to be filled with joy and praise. Shouldn't this perspective apply to all our days, as they are all gifts from the Lord? Life unfolds day by day, but we should view each one as a hand-crafted gift from Him. Any day, every day, including this day, comes from Him and is an opportunity for us to fill it with joy, praise, and loving service. We should strive to let no day go by without being a good Samaritan, speaking a good word for our Savior, or sharing a cup of refreshing water in His name. Each day should be faced with confidence and strength, infused with joy and hopefulness. The day may bring pain and sorrow, trial and temptation, but it will also bring the presence and blessing of Him who promised, “As your days, so shall your strength be.”