
John 14:8
Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us."

The deepest need of the human heart is to find and know God, the Father. In many ways, the whole world over, people are echoing Philip’s question, “Show us the Father.” Aware of this need, God took the most impactful step to fulfill it by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to reveal His nature and actions to humanity.

Jesus fed the hungry, relieved suffering, visited homes where death had broken family circles, and shared in the sorrow of those who mourned. The sacred writings summarize His remarkable life with the phrase, “He went about doing good.” [Acts 10:38]

In Jesus, we see that God, our heavenly Father, cares about every detail of our everyday lives. We can tell Him everything, trust Him in all circumstances, and rely on Him at all times. He will never let us down.