
Here is a great question to ponder?

Psalms 116:12
What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?

God’s love for you and me is immense. He sacrificed His only begotten Son so we could be saved.

Jesus endured great suffering, shed His blood, and died on the cross for me, triumphing over sin, death, and the devil that I might have abundant life and have it to the full. The Holy Spirit calls me through the gospel of Christ and nurtures me in the faith. I am redeemed, loved, and sanctified by God. And not only that, but this same God supplies all my daily need in Christ Jesus.

How then do I treat Him in return?

I fear that sometimes I treat Him as if He were a beggar, and I offer Him the least of all that I have or turn away from Him altogether. At times I think I treat Him as if He were an employee to me; reprimanding Him for not meeting my expectations and demands, even dismissing Him when I don't require His help. But in truth He is my boss, my benefactor, and without Christ, I have nothing and can do nothing. So, I will reciprocate by giving Him my heart, my time, my means, my life, my all.